16 October 2007

yes new record in life..!! 19hours of sleep..!!

i really cant believe my eyes when i look at the time it was 7pm hahaha i have sleep for 19 hours..!!

hmm.. i went to edmund house yesterday i saw karen and yang come to play guitar and dam silly they keep saying ym eyes small..!! and they make silly names for themselves is ok but the make one for me too...!!

so the names are.. jeffrey is rey jeff *free jeff * and michelle is chelle mic *sell meat* and edmund is mund ed *something egg* and karen de is *ren ka* <---- apakan..??!! hahaha

den at 7 we go pai n nain at erm.. ppl de house lar.. i dono oso hahaha..
den at the last house got chocolate to eat.. so i jus eat as much as i can hahahaa.... we finish at 12am so i go home without taking a bath i straight sleep hahahahaa...dam.. i didnt eat anything proper for the last 23hours hahaa when i woke up today i was dam hungry... hahahaa

den tomoro again clement ask me go pai nain again.. den he ask me go his house early to play dotA so i was like... *wuu~~ got dotA to play means can fry ppl* so i...hahaha wanna go his house early tomoro and fry him..!! wahahaha..

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