13 October 2007

split personality..wuuu~huu~~*stupendous*

ok ok...erm.. i went to learn one guitar song from my fren today and yesterday..but... cant say i master them coz i havent fully noe wat i am playing xD

on friday i went to MK de house.. and finally knew how they took all the vain pic and also have a chance to c karen fell asleep.. hahahahaa.... like a pig she sleep.. xD

and they oso got ask me and edmund and sim and clement play ps2 de DDR but none of us now how to play.. so cacat and im feel so shy coz when i dance i feel like shit hahahaha

leanr some guitar and play and c ppl fool around alot...
den i go home... sleep at 830... den at 930 i reliased i was drooling so i wipe it dry den went to sleep till 5am den i woke up.. coz i had a dream eating sushi
waawaaahahahaaaa... den at 10 i went to edmund house he say he teach me and clement and karen guitar... so go play play lar.. hahaha

den i went home abt 1145

den i straight went to sleep when i reach home... and wake up at 8pm

sometime i am very hyper and make alots of silly jokes and and gik ppl and jus more open lar..*onli if ppl tok to me lar*

den sometimes im like very opposite...not very hyper and does not do jokes and more serious and does not like to gik ppl also very open*onli if ppl tok wif me* but will find other ppl alittle annoying....

jus 2 personalities lar... like having a darker self hahahaha...
there is a demon is me... ^^

so if u saw me alittle quite sometime jus noe dat im like .... erm.. hahahaa... dono wats dat word again...


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