19 August 2007

u will not b reading all of this crap...

Well my 1st day. Im i... have got nothing to do dats y im typing my blog out in Microsoft word... xD
Hahaa.. steady le...
Who can b like me..?? hahahahaa....
^^ \/
The 1st day i have my stomach filled wif food so i will not go hungry... and i tot it will solve all the problem.. im ganna have today... but it didn’t... in the afternoon had troubles...
Wat trouble.. its tiredness.. adn boredom..
My cuz jus isn’t here...
I didn’t sleep last night bcoz i woke up at 9pm...
Now im trying ym best to adjust back to normal life.. tired of being a dracular..
Ahahahaaa... but i wanna b night stalker.. xD
Now its 1215pm...
Hey hey i jus realised.. this might b the 1st non nonsense blog i have written.. xD
Hahahahaaa... u guys glad..??rubin..?? u glad.. liaw ma..??
I miss all my frenz... like jia hau.. mak.. and tiong.. and rubin nirakar... and those i have mention.. adim rosman.. the 3 pretty limbang gals.. xD hahahahaaaa...
Jacky...and Edmund.. clement.. and Karen..*the two Karen* gladly these two Karen is good in art.. xD
Hahahaa..vincent..james.. i miss u since ur no longer here..in brunei..
And most of all roy..i didn’t forget u...
Have fun back in india... plz come back to visit us again..
And the stupid rapist in KL ivaldi.. and izul.. and the other one.. is..?? i forgot ur name but i remember who u r.. xD
I heard a week ago.. hadi is no more in brunei.. wish him all the best...
And.. erm..
For those who is getting their o lvl result god luck...
Success awaits u all.. including me.. xD
Its been quite some time i haven’t heard from qill and jus chat wif mas a few days ago.. good to her dat she is free.. no skool at all... hahahaa... i saw our skools new principal... she is a malay women.. very short.. XD hahahahaa... actually only heard about haven’t seen her yet... xD i went to skool but didn’t seen her...
Hahahahaa...well dennis have fun in SmsA
Hahahaa... eda and u all its hard to mention all ur name out.. coz its really alot of u there...hahahaa...
Have fun in sMsA... better folo the rules... xD i got long hairs and nails... and u all dun... hahahahaa... man its so good to have freedom... but everyone men in the world is not free... if u dun understand.. wat it means.. gimme a call i will explain to ya.. got a very good reason for y..everyone is not free..??
Hahaahahaa ^^ \/
Jus wanna say i miss u all alots... haahahahahahahahaaa... feel so shy saying it.... getting more and more emo...
Well im not crying.. dat would b impossible...and its nearly a year...since dat incident...
I dun wanna have my bday... anymore...makes me emo.. and aggressive...
Wanna kill leon..!! u hear me leon..”i wanna kill u”
Better b ready... we r ready for u..
Wat u did is unforgivable...
U will pay wif everything u have..
I will not take ur live i want u to suffer..!!
Well dats all for now... cya guys...

Ok ok now its the second day..in miri now half dead “i wanna sleep.. but i must have my bath 1st.. if not i cant sleep..”
Hahahhaa...haiz... so dam tired... hahahahahaaa...
Well its nice to c jia hau at imperial mall today... have to say its a nice surprise to c u...
Thought it was jus a short time it fun xD
Hahahahaa...well dats all for today.. very tired.. coz im sick..!!
These two days is not such a good day since im sick and im tired to have and fun...
I jus cant believe it... i dun wanna my holiday to b spoil by this stupid fever..
I jus wanna have fun for there two weeks... *sob* *sob*
Hahahhaaa....im now very extremely incredibly extraordinary unbelievable and impossibly tired...
Fever is jus not my life.. plz get out of my life..!!
I dun want u here..
Hahahhaaa... hope tomoro brings a better day...
I took a look around my aunts shop.. and i saw some very nice necklace and rings and ear rings and wristbands.. and they r expensive..!! but i think it is worth it..if u buy..
Hahahaa... i wanna buy the rings and necklace too but need to safe money for my hair and sound system.. ahhahaha
Cant wait to get my hair done...
Den i wonder how ugly i will look like....

Today is Sunday... and on Saturday i got my hair done..
Finaly straighten my hair.. ^^ \/
LOLX..den i got bad news last night.. i heard i got no Os for my o lvl.. dam..!!
This sucks..i tot i could jus get something like two Os...
Who noes my luck jus went out...
No luck at all man...! i went to beat one person up..but it turns out me and my frenz couldn’t fine him..dam.. i wonder where he went.. we went to him house but he wasn’t there..wat to do..?? we went home.. dam shit..!
Hahahaa.. well dats live after all..
And today.. its basically nothing but the normal usual day.. at miri..haha.. and i love the stupid negaraku ku song..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You write very well.