15 August 2007

about gays...

well i forgot wat to post about... all i noe is dat i got something to post but i for got.. so let me think 1st..
erm... i can remember but jus wanna say im going to miri for a few week starting on thursday... hahahahahaaa....
oh yeah.. this is for Dy..
"im afraid of gays... so dun gay gay around me... i have meet quite a number of gays and r afraid of them..."
god dam it... they r so disgusting...
if u really wanna c gays i think i noe where u can find them.. xD

oh... yeah... LCB here a come onli one more month...
i think i will have a brand new look back to collage...
but its not a show off...
jus glad i could finally get my hair done.. xD hahahahaa...
and back to collage we need to study hard this semester and play more PS2
hahahaa... now arsenal cant win me...!!
hahahaha henry no more...
its now eto and dog face and henry..!!
hahahahaahaa... nirakar..!!
and i miss mr mahen wireless... and i miss his bald head... and i miss my room alot..!!
and i miss my juniors alot..... hahahhahahahahaaaaa..... wahahahahahaaa... adim jus hope our juniors are all smaller than us so we can bully them...
hope they dun turn up as body builders.... hahaahahahaaa....
wahhahahahaaa... woo....bully juniors...!!

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