26 September 2007


hahhaa.. i went to limbang on monday night wahahaahaa.. starting out at 930pm and reach there at abt 11pm den go for dinner wif rubin and nirakar at a restaurent..
and den we went to pud drink drink drink till around 2am hahhahahaa spent abt 4hundred wahahahaa

den the nxt dat teng bring us go eat breakfast den go her grandma house for lunch den go c limbang airport den go c limbang old and abandon airport wahahahaha its like tandas awan~~
and nirakar say the old airport like bus station
dam funny making fun of the airport..
wahhahhaa i still got the video clips
den go c lizia de house den go c irene de house den go teng de house..
and and i kena call rocky by teng aunty.. all bcoz of rubin go and mention it..reminding everyone abt it..*jeff a.k.a rocky and many more... rocky is teng precious puppy..*


and its also my bday in the chinese calander..
so.. its also on the same day at moon cake festival
wahahhaaa... got function at the temple got ppl dancing and got gals dance and guys dancing
got many of them are teenagers
got one person moonwalk very nice but he show off at the side of the stage den go up dance got many cheers so i think he very good dancers*many gals cheering*
but then chew... banana lar.. like shit he dance
onli got the looks but no skill at all.. yet again he wearing sufflers pants
hahahaaa... he dance in a group lar...
the whole group onli got the looks..
so nxt time i bring my miri fren*onli one person*
come dance suffler wahahahaaaa... wanna make dat limbang idiot not o show off his moonwalk again
wahahahaa... and the old ladies dance better and its the best one of all... simple and nice
wahahahha better than the other idiots~

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