27 July 2007

lets c wat i have to say about mr mahen...

hahahahaa.... mr mahen i miss ur wireless network... at LCB
and im mad u didnt give me A for my IT instead u give me a B
its not fair... coz adim and rosman and nisa and liyani and many student is laughing at me.... ahahahhahahhaaaa..... XD

and mr mahen... i hate u sometimes... XD
hahahaa... u made some funy jokes and make some unbelievable statement together wif some bets and make us accept the offer.... which most of us regret betting wif u....!!

hey hey.... new LCB student and seniors.... plz dun tell mr mahen.. a...
and and mr mahen if u c this i didnt write this....
rosman did... he force me to do it.... and he say if i didnt he will rape my dog....!!!!
and i love my dog...

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